Sunday, August 24, 2014

Mapping My Course

Maps are one of the most beautiful things to look at.  I especially love old maps that show how the world has changed over the years.  When browsing through antique shops I enjoy flipping through the different maps they have in their bins.  I have always wanted to have a large, antique style world map on the wall in my living room.  Then I could put those cool map pins in it that would remind me of all the places I have been and let me dream about all the places I would like to go.

The funny thing about maps...I love to look at them but I can not be bothered to you use them most of the time.  I have never been one who likes to plan out my trips.  I typically love to set out on my journey with an idea of where I want to go and see where I end up along the way.  I figure I am going to meet some very interesting people, find a great hole-in-the-wall restaurant or find a town that needs to be explored.  I love to take my time and savor every interesting little detail.  If I take a few detours, get lost, or my car breaks down I look at it as an adventure rather than at something to be worried about.  Well, that's not entirely true.  If my car did break down and I was stranded in the middle of no-where I would have some issues with that! 

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is "A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps"  Psalm 16:9 NKJV.   I always notice the word "but" in this verse.  I have a lot of plans in my heart.  There have been many times I have "felt" something was right for me only to find that God has a different plan. This has happened in my dating relationships, my house hunt, and in my daily life. 

It is funny how in travelling I like to fly by the seat of my pants but when it comes to my life I want to stick to the plan I have.  I find if it does not go the way I want it to I get really annoyed, angry and try really, really hard to keep going in the direction I want to go. 

I will never forget the time I was shopping for clothes with my really good friend.  I was sorting through the rack to see if I could find a cute jacket.  Out of the blue a woman reaches around me and starts sorting through the rack right where I am looking. I was instantly annoyed as I really do not like people getting that close to my personal space.  I felt like she was invading my personal boundaries!  Besides, there were many other racks in that store!  She looked me in the eye and said something apologetic.  Instantly I felt this still small voice prompt me to tell her how beautiful she was.  She really was a beautiful gal.  I told her, she said thank you and I turned to go back to sorting through the clothes.  As I started to go back to what I was doing I heard something that sounded like sniveling.  I turned towards her and I asked her if she was ok.  She said "You do not know what a horrible day I have had.  I needed to hear that."  I stopped what I was doing and gave her a big hug.  I told her that God knew and that He loves her so much that He prompted me to say that to her.  She slowly walked away and  my friend and I turned towards each other.  My friend said, "Jeanette, that is what you were created for." 

I was so focused on finding that cute jacket that I did not like that someone had come in to hinder what I was doing.  I am that exact way with God.  Every time I am focused on that cute guy, that perfect house, that exciting opportunity and it hasn't worked out with that guy, or the house (five plus years is a long time to be looking), or that opportunity I get frustrated and angry at God.

This situation with this woman is one of the map pins I use to remind me that God's plan for my life is so much better than my plan.  If I would look up from the "thing" that I am desperately searching for I will find God's perfect will for my life.  He loves me so much that I am worthy of His best for me.  I may feel He is thwarting my plans but He is actually directing me onto the road that will lead me on the journey He has for me.  I may get lost along the way and not know what's around the corner but I have map to use - His Word and Holy Spirit.  How exciting! 

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